MATLAB: How to compare two cell arrays inside two different structures


I have two structures model and dataMtb. I want to compare the fields model.grRules and dataMtb.gene having dimensions 1128*1 and 4109*1 respectively. I want to create a cell array which would give me a list of only those genes which are common between the two cell arrays. I am attaching the .mat files for reference. Please note that the cells in model.grRules cell array may contain names of more than one gene in each cell. How do I achieve the above objective?

Best Answer

This code will extract common values of genes which occur in either of the vectors.
list1 = string(dataMtb.gene);
list2 = string(iEK1011.grRules);
commonValues = list1(cellfun(@(x) any(contains(list2, x)), list1));