MATLAB: How to Compare strings

compare strings

I need to compare strings and sort in (even in alphabetical order) but without using
the sort code.
I run a code and I get the error message:
Undefined function or method 'gt' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Error in ==> Untitled3 at 16 if stock(b)>stock(b+1)
Can anyone help on how to solve this or how to compare strings, or how to convert strings to numbers in order to compare them?
Many thanks

Best Answer

You want to operate on the cell elements, not on scalar cells:
if stock(b) > stock(b+1)
% ==>
if stock{b} > stock{b+1} % Curly braces!
This works, if both strings have the same length. A conversion to a numerical is not needed. If the strings have different length, pad the shorter one with zeros:
char0 = char(0);
s1 = stock{b};
s2 = stock{b+1};
len1 = length(s1);
len2 = length(s2);
if len1 > len2
s2 = [s2, char0(1, len1 - len2)];
elseif len2 > len1
s1 = [s1, char0(1, len2 - len1)];
if s1 > s2 ...