MATLAB: How to compare strings

app designer

I think my questions is fairly simple, but I just can't find the answer. I got an text DropDownBox in my app designer with the options: 'Mean', 'Clear' or 'Clear/Cloudy'. I declare a string SkyType as app.SkyTypeDropDown.Value, which gives me the String in the DropDown box. If The string SkyType = 'Mean', then a number SkyTypeNumber should become 1. If the string SkyType = 'Clear', SkyTypeNumber should become 2. And you guess yourself what SkyTypeNumber is when SkyType equals 'Clear/Cloudy'.
The problem is I really don't know how to compare SkyType (which is a string, with the '' included) and 'Mean', 'Clear' or 'Cloudy/Clear'.
I hope somebody can help me, and look out to your answers!

Best Answer

strcmp() to compare character vectors
The "==" operator can be used to compare a String to a String, or a String to a character vector.
if strcmp(SkyType, 'Mean')
if SkyType == "Mean" %R2017a or later to use "" strings in source code
if SkyType == string('Mean') %R2016b or later