MATLAB: How to compare or find out the P.S.N.R. value of two images

image processingImage Processing Toolboxp.s.n.r.

I am giving two images below can anybody help in finding out the P.S.N.R. value of them? My base picture is "t.png" and the image after processing is "output.png", can anybody help me in finding out their respective P.S.N.R. values?

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Copied from the help:
Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) expand all in page
peaksnr = psnr(A,ref) example
peaksnr = psnr(A,ref,peakval)
[peaksnr,snr] = psnr(___)
peaksnr = psnr(A,ref) calculates the peak signal-to-noise ratio for the image A, with the image ref as the reference. A and ref must be of the same size and class.
peaksnr = psnr(A,ref,peakval) uses peakval as the peak signal value for calculating the peak signal-to-noise ratio for image A.
[peaksnr,snr] = psnr(___) returns the simple signal-to-noise ratio, snr, in addition to the peak signal-to-noise ratio.