MATLAB: How to compare between two cell array

cellcell arraysMATLAB

>> W={ [1 2] , [1 3] , [1 4] , [2 3] , [2 4] }
W =
1×5 cell array
[1×2 double] [1×2 double] [1×2 double] [1×2 double] [1×2 double]
>> F={ [1 2] , [1 3] , [1 4] }
F =
1×3 cell array
[1×2 double] [1×2 double] [1×2 double]
I want to compare each value in F if it is exist in W?

Best Answer

answer=cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) any(cellfun(@(y) isequal(x,y),W)),F,'uni',false))