MATLAB: How to compare all row in a column with a value and replace it

if statementmatrix

I want to compare all row in one column with a value, and if one of them being larger than value, I want replace it with value.
How can I do this with if statement or any other way ?
? ???

Best Answer

is_greater = path(1,:) > value;
Now if you want to replace the entire column with the value then:
if any(is_greater)
path(1,:) = value;
If you want to replace only the locations then
path(1,is_greater) = value;
However, there is another way for the situation where you want to take the current item provided it is not greater than value, and value otherwise: you can use
path(1,:) = min(path(1,:), value);
and you can do the entire array at once with
path = min(path, value);
When you use min() the replacement is always the cutoff value. When you use the logical indexing I showed, the replacement could be arbitrary, such as
path(1,is_greater) = 0;