MATLAB: How to compare 2 data files parallel and take data based on matching time


A file data( it reads the data at every 100ms or 0.1s),it starts the time on 2s and it ends on 6s
time height velocity distance
2 23.12 103.12 21.2
2.1 23.13 103.15 21.5
2.2 23.15 103.2 21.52
2.3 23.25 103.25 21.65
2.4 23.35 103.36 21.7
2.5 23.37 103.45 21.75
2.6 23.45 103.52 22.21
2.7 23.56 103.58 22.25
2.8 23.86 103.65 22.56
2.9 23.95 103.72 22.78
3 24 103.78 23
......................................its continious goes on upto 6
B file data (it reads the data at every 1s),it starts on 3s and it ends on 6s
time height velocity distance
3 24 103.78 23
4 25 104.78 24
5 26 105.78 25
6 27 105.78 26
based on time match it will take data
it will check A file time to B file time
if any time match is there it reads data
i used ismember function
but i want to write complete code on how to read both files based on time

Best Answer

Like dpb said above, it's unclear what the desired output is from the example data you've provided is.
From what I can understand, I assume you want to return just the rows that have a common time value in both sets. In which case, you can use intersect to get the intersection of the two time vectors.
Table_A = array2table(...
[2 23.12 103.12 21.2;...
2.1 23.13 103.15 21.5;...
2.2 23.15 103.2 21.52;...
2.3 23.25 103.25 21.65;...
2.4 23.35 103.36 21.7;...
2.5 23.37 103.45 21.75;...
2.6 23.45 103.52 22.21;...
2.7 23.56 103.58 22.25;...
2.8 23.86 103.65 22.56;...
2.9 23.95 103.72 22.78;...
3 24 103.78 23], ...
'VariableNames', {'time', 'height', 'velocity', 'distance'});
Table_B = array2table(...
[3 24 103.78 23;...
4 25 104.78 24;...
5 26 105.78 25;...
6 27 105.78 26], ...
'VariableNames', {'time', 'height', 'velocity', 'distance'});
Table_C = intersect(Table_A, Table_B)