MATLAB: How to combine arrays in a cell from 71 x 12 to 1 x 71

cell arraysMATLAB

Dear all,
I had a cell named C which was 1 x 71 cell. I use the code below to split it into Cmo that is 71 x 12 cell array:
Cmo = cell(numel(C),12);
for i = 1:numel(C)
Cmo(i,:) = arrayfun(@(m){C{i}(month(C{i}.date) == m, :)},1:12);
I have done what I needed with split cell (Cmo) and I want to roll back it in 1 x 71 cell array again, and that is my problem.
Here is my code for doing that so far, But unfortunately it doesn't work and at the end, the Cnew will be a 71 x 1 cell (instead of 1 x 71 and field with blank cells).
% Cmo is 71 x 12 cell, and Cnew is output (1 x 71) cell
Num = ceil(length(Cmo)/12)*12-length(Cmo);
Cnew = [Cnew,cell(1,Num)]
Cnew = cell(1,72);
Cnew = reshape(Cnew,12,length(Cnew)/12);
Cnew = reshape(Cnew,size(Cnew,2)*12,1);
I don't know what to do, so if anyone knows what should I do I would be so grateful. I attached both C (the first version of Cmo) and Cmo.
Thank you all for all your helps answers and comments.
Best Regards

Best Answer

% Loop through the rows of Cmo and combine them
% back into 1 table. Then sort the rows so that
% they are in chronological order ("date" column).
Cnew = cell(1,size(Cmo,1));
for i = 1:size(Cmo,1)
Cnew{i} = sortrows(vertcat(Cmo{i,:}),'date');