MATLAB: How to combine 4 columns of a table into one new variable and plot it with respect to time


I am reading from a file that has 7 columns. I imported it into a table, and I converted T.Var1 into UTC hh:mm:ss:FFF time. T.Var2, T.Var3, T.Var4 and T.Var5 all need to be combined into the variable "source" so I can plot it against timeUTC. Then I would like to have the user change the range of source that is being plotted, where they would be able to chose the range of T.Var2 to be from x to y for example.
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[FileName,PathName]=uigetfile(':','Select the LYLOUT file');
timeUTC = (datestr(seconds(T.Var1),'HH:mm:ss:FFF'));
sizeTimeUTC = size(timeUTC);
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
NumTick = 10;
How would I go about doing this?
EDIT: Here are the first few rows of the table as requested.
  1. 9601.762212787 33.70270888 -85.26950474 311276.18 0.04 24.4 0xa51
  2. 9601.833916448 33.57688907 -82.95670785 183351.65 2.57 23.5 0x358
  3. 9604.167990668 33.69930560 -83.95209122 38865.36 0.69 9.5 0xb18
  4. 9604.906035077 34.16707482 -85.25531467 12077.34 1.93 13.3 0x358
  5. 9605.012282662 34.20090438 -85.37965820 7081.78 3.71 18.4 0x368

Best Answer

plot(T.Var1, [T.Var2, T.Var3, T.Var4, T.Var5])
If you need to select certain rows,
idx = T.Var1 > x1 & T.Var1 < x2;
plot(T.Var1(idx), [T.Var2(idx), T.Var3(idx), T.Var4(idx), T.Var5(idx)])