MATLAB: How to combine 2 gui

2 guicombineguimatlab gui

please help me.
I want to combine 2 gui. after the user success login then gui2 will be displayed.
% — Executes on button press in login. function login_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to login (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved – to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) ID = get(handles.edit1,'string'); PW = get(handles.edit2,'string'); if strcmp(ID,'admin') && strcmp(PW,'admin')==1 msgbox('login sukses'); aplikasi.fig; set(handles.figure,'Visibility',false); else errordlg('Invalid username or password'); end
gui2 (aplikasi.fig) does not show up when a successful login.

Best Answer

You should add this to your first GUI. Place it in the function that calls the second GUI.
% hide first GUI
% open second gui
gui2; % the name of your second gui m-file here