MATLAB: How to colorize the document tabs of the editor

colordocument tabseditorjavaMATLAB

I often work with several .m files open simultaneously in the editor. Thus, it would be helpful to colorize the tabs of these .m files according to their directory location.
Up to matlab_2012a, this shared code ( use to do the job exactly as I wanted. Unfortunately, it does not work for my current matlab_2018a.
I tried to debug it, however I encountered a wall. With the following code I was able to change the background color of tabs all together:
desktop = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance;
jEditor = desktop.getGroupContainer('Editor').getTopLevelAncestor;
jh_gf = findjobj(jEditor,'-property',{'name','EditorGroupFrame'});
DocTab = jh_gf.getComponent(0).getComponent(1).getComponent(0).getComponent(0);
Now, my problem was when I tried to set the background color of each tab individually. My logic says that the following should work:
First_Tab = DocTab.getComponent(0);
Unfortunately it does not work. Anyone knows how to set the background color of each tab individually?
Thanks for the answers.

Best Answer

I looked into this problem but I could not find a way to do so.
What you proposed is the way that it should have worked, but it seems that the com.mathworks.widgets.desk.DTDocumentTabs$Tab component ignores the Background/Foreground properties in its paintComponent(Graphics) method.
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