MATLAB: How to color a binary image

assign colorImage Processing Toolbox

Suppose a binary image is considered, which consists of two colors. Is it possible to assign red color to the white portions in the image?

Best Answer

bin = rand(320, 200) > 0.5; % Binary test image
R = 1; % Value in range [0, 1]
G = 1;
B = 1;
RGB = cat(3, bin * R, bin * G, bin * B);
Now the pixels which have the value 1 in the bin image have the value [R,G,B] in the RGB image, while the other pixels are black.
CMap = [0.5, 0.2, 0.9; 0.1, 0.8, 0.3];
RGB = ind2rgb(bin + 1, CMap)
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