MATLAB: How to collect data from senors data via serial port in MATLAB

controlictinstrumentInstrument Control Toolboxportsenorsserialtoolbox

How can I collect data from senors data via serial port in MATLAB?

Best Answer

Data can be collected from serial port into MATLAB by following one of the two steps:
1. Use the "serial" function in base MATLAB i.e., without any specialized toolbox. More information can be found in the documentation page linked below:
2. Use can make use of the Instrument control toolbox to collect data from serial ports.
Instrument Control Toolbox™ software provides additional serial port functionality. In addition to command-line access, this toolbox has a graphical tool called the Test & Measurement Tool, which allows you to communicate with, configure, and transfer data with your serial device without writing code. The Test & Measurement Tool generates MATLAB code for your serial device that you can later reuse to communicate with your device or to develop UI-based applications. The toolbox includes additional serial I/O utility functions that facilitate object creation and configuration, instrument communication, and so on. With the toolbox you can communicate with GPIB- or VISA-compatible instruments. More details can be found in the documentation pages linked below:
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