MATLAB: How to collapse rows of a table

MATLABmatlab table

I have a table with 3 columns but many rows. Some rows are the same on column 1 and 2 but but not on column 3. Since column 3 are numbers, how to collapse the table with rows that have the same col 1 and col2 and average on col 3?
For example, the table is
Symbol Date Price
NFLX 7/28/2015 100
NFLX 7/28/2015 101
AAPL 7/28/2015 150
I would like to make it as two rows:
NFLX 7/28/2015 105
AAPL 7/28/2015 150
How to do that?
Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

T = table({'NFLX';'NFLX';'AAPL'},datetime([2015;2015;2015],[7;7;7],[28;28;28]),[100;101;150] ,'VariableNames',{'Symbol' 'Date' 'Price'})
% Dates have to be made numeric
T.Date = datenum(T.Date)
% Group fun