MATLAB: How to clear array in between multiple plots in for loop

clear arraysfor loopplot

Hi everyone,
I'm having some trouble doing multiple plots in a for loop. The arrays I use for my plot, stores data from previous iteration, messing up the plots.
Based on a .csv file containing data from 20+ devices, I wan't to seperate the data unique to each device and plot it. I do this as follows.
fid = fopen('Regular_events_24_10.csv');
readData = textscan(fid, '%f %s %q %f %f %f %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s', 'Headerlines', 1, 'Delimiter', ',');
device_name = ["device_name1", "device_name2"....]
for u = 1:length(device_name)
k = 1;
for n = 1:length(readData{:,2})
if strcmp(strcat('"',device_name(u),'"'),readData{1,2} (n,1))
for i = 1:16
temp_array{1,i} (k,1) = (readData{1,i} (n,1));
k = k + 1;
device_time = temp_array{1,3} (:,1);
state = temp_array{1,4} (:,1);
progress = temp_array{1,6} (:,1);
desk_setting = temp_array{1,7} (:,1);
user_presence = temp_array{1,8} (:,1);
desk_height = temp_array{1,9} (:,1);
IR_obj = temp_array{1,12} (:,1);
figure('rend','painters','pos',[150 60 1100 750])
hold on
plot(dateAndTimeSerial,desk_height, 'r');
plot(dateAndTimeSerial,progress, 'k');
plot(dateAndTimeSerial,desk_setting_int, 'b');
legend('desk height','progress','desk setting int', 'Location','west');
hold off
hold on
plot(dateAndTimeSerial,IR_obj, 'r');
plot(dateAndTimeSerial,user_presence_int, 'k');
plot(dateAndTimeSerial,state, 'b');
legend('IR obj', 'user presence int', 'state', 'Location','west');
hold off
I have omitted some of the code, where I typecast some of the data and so on. Should be irrelevant for my question.
I have tried to clear and overwrite all arrays at the end of the for loop, but I doesn't help anything.
Hope you can help me out,
Best regards Mads
For reference, this is what a failed plot looks like.

Best Answer

The immediate problem is that indeed you fail to clear your temp_array at the beginning of each step of your u loop. Simply fixed with
for u = 1:length(device_name)
temp_array = {};

would fix that. Saying that, your code is very inefficient. You do need to learn to vectorise your code rather than looping over everything. Your n loop can be easily replaced. The i loop as well with a bit more effort. As a bonus, it wouldn't require to clear the temp_array as it would recreate a brand new one each time:
for u = 1:numel(device_name)
isdevice = strcmp(['"', device_name(u), '"'], readData{2}); %no need to index you can compare the whole column at once
temp_array = cellfun(@(col) col(isdevice), readdata, 'UniformOutput', false);
However, your life would be a lot easier if you used readtable to import your data. A table is a lot easier to manipulate that a cell array of columns.
readdata = readtable('Regular_events_24_10.csv');
%import all done however we can clean up some columns
readdata.device_time = datetime(readdata.device_time);
readdata.desk_setting = strcmp(readata.desk_setting, 'True');
readdata.desk_setting = strcmp(readata.desk_setting, 'False');
%note that the above can be done by readtable if you override the import options. See the doc
Looping over the devices is trivial
for device = unique(readdata.device_id)'
device_name = device{1};
filtered_table = readdata(strcmp(readdata.device_id, device_name), :);
figure('rend','painters','pos',[150 60 1100 750]);
hold on
plot(filtered_table.device_time, filtered_table.desk_height, 'r');
plot(filtered_table.device_time, filtered_table.progress, 'k');
plot(filtered_table.device_time, filtered_table.desk_setting, 'b');
legend('desk height','progress','desk setting', 'Location','west');
hold off