MATLAB: How to cite a User’s Guide

Image Processing Toolbox

I would like to put a reference in an article with the Image Processing User's Guide. I found on Google Scholar some old bibtex entry:
title={Image Processing Toolbox: For Use with MATLAB;[user's Guide]},
author={Thompson, C.M. and Shure, L.},
but I would like to refer to the latest user's guide: R2011b.
What is the best way to do this?

Best Answer

Using and APA style as an example: I would treat it as a mix between a "Report From a Private Organizationin" (<>) and an Electronic Books (<>. Leading to the following citation:
Mathworks. (2011). Global Optimization Toolbox: User's Guide (r2011b). Retrieved November 10, 2011 from
Noting that I am not sure on if it should be Mathworks, The Mathworks, or The MathWorks. I would also want to double check that I handled the subtitle of User's Guide correctly.
I would also consider looking around and seeing if I could find a more permanent link to the current version.