MATLAB: How to circular shift table columns

circular shiftMATLABrotatetable

Dear Experts,
I have a master table, tableTotal. Initially it is empty.
portfoliot0 is a table of two columns
stockName weight
Apple 10
IBM 90
It is then assigned to tableTotal.
stockName portfoliot0
Apple 10
IBM 90
Now portfoliot0 has new stocks and weights
stockName weight
Apple 20
Groupon 80
Hence TableTotal will need to shift while portfoliot0 is appended to it.
stockName portfoliot0 portfoliot1
Apple 20 10
Groupon 80 0
IBM 0 90
Now portfoliot0 has new stocks and weights
stockName weight
Citi 30
Goldman 70
TableTotal will need to shift while portfoliot0 is appended to it. This is the result
stockName portfoliot0 portfoliot1 portfoliot2
Apple 0 20 10
Groupon 0 80 0
IBM 0 0 90
Citi 30 0 0
Goldman 70 0 0
I have to repeat the above 20 times till it becomes first in, last out. Meaning it will have maximum 20 columns. Once it reaches 20 columns, every new data will result the oldest data to be discarded.
I cant assign portfoliot"i" where "i" is a variable. Do i need to use eval?
Thank you very much for your advice LL

Best Answer

This seems to do what you want:
function t = circulartableadd(t, portfolio, maxportfolios)
%circulartableadd add a new portfolio to the table t shifting or rotating right the existing portfolio up to maxportfolios
%newtable = circulartableadd([], portfolio) %to initialise
%newtable = circulartableadd(oldtable, portfolio) %to add a portfolio
%newtable = circulartable(___, maxportfolios) %to specify the maximum number of portfolios other than the default 20.
%oldtable: circular table to hold the portfolios. set to [] to initialise with 1st portfolio
%portfolio: portfolio table with at least 2 variables: stockName, weight
%maxportfolios: optional integer specifying the max number of portfolios to hold. Old portfolios are dropped to make room for new ones
if nargin < 3
maxportfolios = 20;
validateattributes(maxportfolios, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'integer', 'positive'});
assert(all(ismember({'stockName', 'weight'}, portfolio.Properties.VariableNames)), 'Missing stockName or weight variables in portfolio');
if isempty(t)
t = portfolio(:, {'stockName', 'weight'});
t.Properties.VariableNames{strcmp(t.Properties.VariableNames, 'weight')} = 'portfolio0';
assert(all(strncmp(t.Properties.VariableNames(2:end), 'portfolio', numel(portfolio))), 'invalid variable names in circular table');
assert(strcmp(t.Properties.VariableNames{1}, 'stockName'), '1st variable of circular table must be ''stockName');
t = stack(t, 2:width(t), 'IndexVariableName', 'portfolio', 'NewDataVariableName', 'weight');
portfolionumber = str2double(regexp(cellstr(char(t.portfolio)), '\d+', 'match', 'once')) + 1;
t.portfolio = arrayfun(@(pn) sprintf('portfolio%d', pn), portfolionumber, 'UniformOutput', false);
t(portfolionumber >= maxportfolios, :) = [];
portfolio.portfolio = repmat({'portfolio0'}, height(portfolio), 1);
t = fillmissing(unstack([t; portfolio], 'weight', 'portfolio'), 'constant', 0, 'DataVariables', @isnumeric);
[~, varorder] = sort(str2double(regexp(t.Properties.VariableNames(2:end), '\d+', 'match', 'once')));
t = t(:, [1 varorder+1]);
Usage example:
portfolio = table({'Apple'; 'IBM'}, [10;90], 'VariableNames', {'stockName', 'weight'})
tabletotal = circulartableadd([], portfolio)
portfolio = table({'Apple'; 'Groupon'}, [20;80], 'VariableNames', {'stockName', 'weight'})
tabletotal = circulartableadd(tabletotal, portfolio)
portfolio = table({'Citi'; 'Goldman'}, [30;70], 'VariableNames', {'stockName', 'weight'})
tabletotal = circulartableadd(tabletotal, portfolio)