MATLAB: How to circ shift rows by different increments

circshiftmatrixmatrix arrayshift

I have a 100×100 matrix and I am trying to figure how to shift them in different increments. For example I want row 1 to shift by none, row 2 by 10, row 3 by 20, row 4 by 30, and row 5 by 40 and for it to repeat this process every 5 rows. How can I achieve this?

Best Answer

A = rand(100,100);
Fill_Value = 0;
for Target_Group = 1: +5: length(A)
for Relative_Row = 0: 4
Row = Target_Group+Relative_Row;
Shift_Value = Relative_Row*10;
A(Row,:) = [Fill_Value*ones(1,Shift_Value) A(Row,1:end-Shift_Value)];