MATLAB: How to choose a printer from a list of printers in a stand alone application

-setupalonechoosecompilecompilerMATLAB Compilerprintprinterstandstandalone

How do I choose a printer from a list of printers in a stand alone application?
I would like to be able to have a user choose from a drop down list of printers in my compiler generated stand-alone application. I would like something similar to PRINTDLG. However, PRINTDLG is not supported in stand-alone mode.

Best Answer

You can have a stand-alone application that will allow your user to select from a drop down list of printers by using the PRINT function. For example
surf(peaks) %create figure to be printed

print -dsetup %bring up the print dialogue box, select printer

print %print the figure with the new settings

If you are using DEPLOYPRINT then use the -v option:
surf(peaks) %create figure to be printed
if isdeployed
deployprint -v
print -dsetup %bring up the print dialogue box, select printer
print %print the figure with the new settings