MATLAB: How to choose 2 people randomly among 12

randirandom number generator

Hi all,
Here is my question: I have a group of 12 peoples, Now I want to make a mini group by picking 2 of them by random. I've somehow done that, but the problem is that I want the result to be shown as a 2×1 vector, and not 2×2 matrix .
Here is my code:
Group={'ae','bk','cn','es','fh','hv','mh','ol','sd','sg','ss','ts'}; m=randi([1 12],2,1) % A 2×1 array of random numbers between 1 and 12 Minigroup=[Group{m(1)} ; Group{m(2)}]
As you see, size of the Minigroup is 2×2 . Any suggestions?
Thank you

Best Answer

idx = randperm(12,2);
I think you want to use randperm() instead of randi(), because randi() can give you the same index twice and presumably you want two different people.