MATLAB: How to check the licensing for Polyspace

Polyspace Client for AdaPolyspace Client for C/C++Polyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover ServerPolyspace Server for Ada

I would like to verify that I have Polyspace installed and licensed properly. Is there a command or program I can run to verify this without submitting code?

Best Answer

For versions of Polyspace R2009b and newer you can run polyspace-ver to verify that Polyspace is installed and licensed properly. This will output text on your screen check contains license and version information.
Here is where you will find and run polyspace-ver from:
(where <PolyspaceInstallDir> is the installation direcory you chose for Polyspace)
For versions R2007a to R2009a, use the instructions below.
Navigate to the <PolyspaceInstallDir>/wbin folder (where <PolyspaceInstallDir> is the installation folder you chose for Polyspace.
To check your licenses, enter the command:
For example:
This creates a logfile in the same folder.