MATLAB: How to check the continuity of a image by using code matlab

image processingImage Processing Toolbox

I assume that I call:
  • The first picture name "continuous picture" because its pixels 's colors are changing very slowly in the picture's area that I am considering.
  • The second picture name "noncontinuous picture" because its pixels 's colors are changing very fast in the picture's area that I am considering.
And the question is:
Which algorithms in MATLAB that can help me discover the "noncontinuous picture" with the feature above ???

Best Answer

Are you specifically looking for a straight vertical line? Because that would make it a lot easier. Just looking for highly variable areas anywhere would yield lots of areas for some images with a lot of sharp, hard edges, say for example a photo of your office. But if we know to look for a long straight dividing line, then that's something that can be detected.