MATLAB: What is Parallel Server License Check

What is Parallel Server License Check?

Best Answer

From R2019a there is a utility script called "checkLicensing" available inside the MATLABROOT\toolbox\parallel\bin for MATLAB Parallel Server. The utility script performs a license check for MATLAB Parallel Server workers by starting a parallel worker and outputting the version information or any license errors to a logfile.
The recommended usage would be to run the following from a cmd or terminal prompt within your MATLABROOT\toolbox\parallel\bin folder:
On Windows:
checkLicensing.bat -logfile C:\Temp\parallelLicense.log
For other input flags and usage:
checkLicensing.bat -h
Or on Unix:
./checkLicensing -logfile /tmp/parallelLicense.log
For other input flags and usage:
./checkLicensing -h