MATLAB: How to change video gradient to improve edge detection

edge detectiongradientvideo processing

Hi All,
Could you please give me a hand! I am currently writing up some cell analysis code that looks at a cell's radius and see's its change in size over time. At the moment I have gotten the edge detection software working fine but the video seems to be picking up uncessesary noise and I would really like to improve the image quality beofre I move to the next stage.
This is my code for the edge detection:
%% vidobj is input VidioReader Object
vidobj = VideoReader('VID00126.AVI');
numframes = get(vidobj, 'NumberOfFrames');
%% finalvid is output VideoWriter Object
finalvid = VideoWriter('edgedetVID00126.avi');
finalvid.FrameRate = vidobj.FrameRate;
c = 1;
for ii = 1 : 17
if rem(numframes,ii) == 0
if c < ii
c = ii;
if c == 1
c = 10;
startframe = 1;
stopframe = c;
while (stopframe <= numframes)
frames = read(vidobj, [startframe stopframe]);
for l = 1:size(frames,4)
temp = frames(:,:,:,l);
temp = rgb2gray(temp);
detectedge = edge(temp, 'canny');
detectedge = single(detectedge);
writeVideo(finalvid, detectedge);
startframe = startframe + c;
stopframe = stopframe + c;
I have been trying to use the following link's code to change the gradient but it only seems to be working for images, could anyone tell me what I could do?
Thanks in advance everyone.

Best Answer

Try this
I0 = imread('Screenshot 2020-04-09 at 15.50.08.png');
I1 = im2bw(I0,graythresh(I0)-0.03); % binarize image with treshold
I2 = bwareaopen(I1,50); % remove small regions (50 pixels)
I3 = edge(I2);
II = imfuse(I0,I3);
Looks like something simple but im not good at this
There is another person who specializes on this. But i don't like him