MATLAB: How to change variables in time in Simulink

time workshop

I have some processing (moving of wheelset). Wheelset has mass, it's variable and it's declaring in init.m file (for example M=1;)
Now I want that in this proccess mass of wheelset will be changed every 2 seconds. How to save the new value of mass to M variable from Simulink?

Best Answer

It sounds to me like you want the mass data to be a signal, and not a parameter that is defined by a workspace variable.
I think of Simulink as having data which are either signals or parameters:
  • Signal - value updates during simulation time
  • Parameter - value does not change unless user manually changes it
To get a mass that changed every two seconds, I would define the mass as an input signal derived from one of the Source blocks (Simulink -> Sources library) such as Inport, From Workspace, Signal Builder, etc.
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