MATLAB: How to change variable name in for loop

for loopvariable

I am trying to do a problem for structural analysis, i got stuck in this part trying to make a for loop give me different variables, here's the example. Thanks in advance!!
for i=1:nel
kl =[J(1,i) 0 0 -J(1,i) 0 0
0 J(3,i) J(2,i) 0 -J(3,i) J(2,i)
0 J(2,i) J(4,i) 0 -J(2,i) J(5,i)
-J(1,i) 0 0 J(1,i) 0 0
0 -J(3,i) -J(2,i) 0 J(3,i) -J(2,i)
0 J(2,i) J(5,i) 0 -J(2,i) J(4,i)]
I need a new "kl" each iteration, can anybody help me out, it's my first month using matlab.

Best Answer

A bold guess: Do you want to store the different matrices in a variable?
kl = zeros(6, 6, nel)
for i = 1:nel
kl(:,:,i) =[J(1,i) 0 0 -J(1,i) 0 0; ...
0 J(3,i) J(2,i) 0 -J(3,i) J(2,i); ...
0 J(2,i) J(4,i) 0 -J(2,i) J(5,i); ...
-J(1,i) 0 0 J(1,i) 0 0; ...
0 -J(3,i) -J(2,i) 0 J(3,i) -J(2,i); ...
0 J(2,i) J(5,i) 0 -J(2,i) J(4,i)];
Or in a cell array:
kl = cell(1, nel);
for i = 1:nel
kl{i} = ...