MATLAB: How to change the xtick of the picture into 10 power format


I plotted one graph which is attached herewith. Now I want to change the x-axis ticks into 10 power format. for e.g
xticks=[-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10]
xticks=[10^-30 10^-25 10^-20 10^-15 10^-10 10^-5 10^-0 10^5 10^10]
when I manually change it, it shows '^' or 'E' sign, but I need in power format like 10 power -30. kindly help me I will be highly thankful to you

Best Answer

doc XTickLabel
You can set the labels to be whatever you want, using sprintf to format as you choose also.