MATLAB: How to change the values of rows in specific columns based on another table which serves as a lookup


Say I have two datasets loaded in Matlab. The two datasets are shown below together with the desired output (Excel screenshot is for illustration purposes only):
Let's say the first one is A.
A =
Then B should serve as the lookup table:
How do I change the values in A to the values from data B column 1 provided that the data A is equal to the data in B column 2?
Sample output should look like this:
A (values are replaced with values from B column 1) =

Best Answer

>> A = [2001,2001;2001,2003;2001,2005;2001,2006]
A =
2001 2001
2001 2003
2001 2005
2001 2006
>> B = [1,2001;2,2003;3,2004;4,2005;5,2006]
B =
1 2001
2 2003
3 2004
4 2005
5 2006
>> [X,Y] = ismember(A,B(:,2));
>> A(X) = B(Y(X))
A =
1 1
1 2
1 4
1 5