MATLAB: How to change the value of tg.Applica​tion.Logge​r.TETLog.D​ataLogObje​ct.NumSamp​les

I want to get the full history of TET values. How can I change the value of tg.Application.Logger.TETLog.DataLogObject.NumSamples?

Best Answer

The default value of tg.Application.Logger.TETLog.DataLogObject.NumSamples is 500. The customer can increase it to get more samples.
Here are the scripts to change NumSamples and get data:
>> tg = slrt
>> tgob = tg.getObject
>> logob = tgob.Application.Logger.TETLog.DataLogObject
>> logob.NumSamples = 1000
>> double(logob.GetData)