MATLAB: How to change the temp directory the MATLAB installer uses


I am installing MATLAB but the installer cannot run to completion because my /tmp folder is not large enough. Is there anyway I can bypass using /tmp or switch the directory?

Best Answer

The -tmpdir installer flag can be used to change the directory where temporary files are created and deleted during installation.
Warning: If you set the directory or folder without specifying a subfolder to place the temporary files, the -tmpdir installer flag will delete everything inside the directory or folder.
Run Command Prompt
Drag the extracted setup.exe into command prompt to create the path.
At the end of the path type, "-tmpdir \path\to\tempfolder\"
As of R2018b, the downloaded archive files will also be in tmp folder. You will also need to use the -downloadFolder flag as well as the -tmpdir flag.
setup.exe -downloadFolder \path\to\download\destination -tmpdir \path\to\installation\destination
Linux and Mac:
$ ./install -tmpdir /path/to/installation/destination
Log files will still be placed into the /tmp directory and not into the directory specified in -tmpdir. As of R2018b, the downloaded archive files will also be in tmp folder. You will also need to use the -downloadFolder flag as well as the -tmpdir flag.
./install -downloadFolder /path/to/download/destination -tmpdir /path/to/installation/destination