MATLAB: How to change the size of the axes for individual tiles within ’tiledlayout’


The 'tiledlayout' environment allows for automatically aligning the indivudual tiles in the layout.
How can I change the size of the axes for individual tiles within 'tiledlayout'?

Best Answer

Below it is shown a workflow where the size of the axes for individual tiles within 'tiledlayout' is manually adjusted.
% Allocates a layout which will be 6 tiles high and 1 tile wide.
t = tiledlayout(6,1);
% Specifies this axes to take up 3 rows, 1 column.
ax1 = nexttile([3 1]);
ax1.Title.String = 'This spans 1/2 the height of the figure';
ax2 = nexttile([2 1]);
ax2.Title.String = 'This spans 1/3 the height of the figure';
ax3 = nexttile([1 1]);
ax3.Title.String = 'This spans 1/6 the height of the figure';
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