MATLAB: How to change the properties of “patternElevation” or “patternAzimuth” polarpattern plots

Antenna Toolboxpatternazimuthpatternelevationpolarpattern

How to change the properties of "patternElevation" or "patternAzimuth" polarpattern plots used for plotting Elevation/Azimuth pattern of antenna or array? 

Best Answer

In this case "patternElevation" or "patternAzimuth" function plots are of "polar pattern" types plots. You can grab the handle for these plots using the following command: 
>> pAx = polarpattern('gco'); % grab the handle for current polar plot
Please take a look at the different commands that you can use to manipulate different properties: 
1. How to change line specification in the "patternElevation" plot?  *
>> d = dipole; % Create dipole
>> patternElevation(d,70e6,[0 45],'Elevation',-140:5:140); % Plot the figure using "patternElevation" function.
>> pAx = polarpattern('gco'); % grab the handle for polar plot
2. How to change the magnitude limits using script? 
>> pAx.MagnitudeLim % Shows current value for "MagnitudeLim" property.
3. Peaks in the plot are shown only for one dataset at a time. Is there any way to visualize peaks table for multiple data sets? 
  • You can get all the "PeakMarkers" property values in the script. But currently there is no way to show both data set peak values in one table. You can switch between data set by clicking on lines in the plot to change the displayed values in "Peaks" table in this plot.
>> pAx.PeakMarkers % Returns 2 X1 struct array with "magnitude" field which contains the peak values