MATLAB: How to change the position of the exponent associated with the Y-axis in MATLAB 7.6 (R2008a)


I would like to be able to move the exponent displayed when plotting large Y values. Especially in the case of long titles it would be useful that the exponent can be repositioned.
For example:
this will have the exponent 10^7 displayed at a specific location. I would like to change this location so that I can place it at a different location.

Best Answer

The ability to change the position of axis label exponents is not available in MATLAB 7.6. (R2008a) and prior versions.
To work around this issue you can manually add a text object, equivalent to the exponent, at a desired location in figure.
For example:
h = gtext('x10^6')
this will give generate a figure with crosshair. You can click at any location in the figure to place the text object at that location.