MATLAB: How to change the position of an INPUTDLG dialog box in MATLAB 7.10 (R2010a)


When I create a dialog window with INPUTDLG, the position of the window defaults to the center of the screen. This sometimes causes the dialog window to open on top of other applications and GUIs. I would like to programmatically be able to specify the position ([left bottom width height]) of a dialog box created using INPUTDLG to avoid this behavior.

Best Answer

The ability to specify the position, height, and width of an input dialog box created with INPUTDLG is not available in MATLAB.
As a workaround, a custom dialog box can be created using UICONTROL. The attached sample MATLAB function below MVDLG creates a dialog box with the ability to specify the position. Please extend or modify this example as required for your custom application.