MATLAB: How to change the overall height of a pop-up menu UICONTROL


I create a simple GUI with a UICONTROL pop-up menu by entering the following at the MATLAB Command Prompt:
f = figure;
popup= uicontrol('style','popup',...
'string',{'try this','try that'},...
'position',[.2 .3 .6 .4]);
How do I adjust the overall height of the control? Changing the height value in the Position property does not appear to do anything.

Best Answer

The height of a pop-up menu is automatically determined by the size of the font, except for on a Mac, in which case the height cannot be modified. The value you specify for the height in the 'Position' property has no effect.
In general, pop-up menus are used to open and display a list of choices when pressed; when not open, a pop-up menu indicates only the current choice. Because of this designed behavior, manually increasing the height of a pop-up menu to display multiple options is not available and a listbox UICONTROL may be a better option to display both the selected and nonselected choices.