MATLAB: How to change the length and the values of a vector


I have a vector whose length = 503. I want to obtain a vector whose length is 100 or its multiple. I suppose I have to use some proportion, but I don't know how.
I think also the values of vector must change, but in which way? I think with the mean.
[madhan ravi: removed huge amount of data]

Best Answer

n = numel(vector);
V = reshape([vector, nan(1, 1e2 - mod(n, 1e2))], [], 1e2);
Wanted = nanmean(V)

Wanted = mean(V, 'omitnan')
%% or depending on which suits you the best
V = reshape([vector, nan(1, 1e2 - mod(n, 1e2))], 1e2, []);
Wanted = nanmean(V, 2)
Wanted = mean(V, 2, 'omitnan')
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