MATLAB: How to change the default text interpreter for a legend in R2014b


In MATLAB R2014a, in my startup.m file I could set the default text interpreter to 'none' using:
set(0, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'none')
That doesn't seem to work in R2014b for legends. It works fine for titles and x- and y-labels, but it doesn't work for legends.
How can I change that in R2014b?

Best Answer

The text interpreter is now a separate property for legends called 'Interpreter'. If you want to change the default value of that property, you would have to set it in the startup.m file in addition to setting the default text interpreter property:
set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'none')
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'none')