MATLAB: How to change the default background color of Text Arrow

defaultMATLABset(0text arrow

It is possible to annotate a figure by choosing Insert > Text Arrow from the menu bar on top of the figure. You then draw an arrow and type text into a text box. The default background color for the text is 'none'. Instead I would like the default to be 'white'. I know it is possible to set the default value of graphics properties by using a command like
set(0, 'DefaultAxesColor', 'white')
What is the equivalent command to set the default background color of all text arrows? I do not want to change the background for any other text objects, just the text that is entered in a text arrow.

Best Answer

Set the default background color of all text objects before creating the text arrows:
set(gcf, 'DefaultTextBackgroundColor', [1,0,0])
The text objects of the arrow objects are standard text objects, so you cannot set a default values for only these objects, but not for other text objects.