MATLAB: How to change the color of uitable ‘row-wise’

colorMATLABmatlab guiuitable

I have a tool which plots data based on the user selection. The tool plots the line on 3 graphs and I've created uitable which displays the properties of the plotted line. I want to update the color of the text of the row according to the color of the line plotted. The table should get updated whenever a new line is plotted as well as the color of that one row only should change. How can I do that?
function tab_input(ui_table,cell_1a,cell_1b,cell_2,cell_3)
cell_1 = strcat(cell_1a,cell_1b,cell_1a);
existingData = get(ui_table,'Data');
tempData = {cell_1,cell_2,cell_3};
newData = [existingData;tempData];
In the above code, I want to append the table as well as, I want to change the textcolor of the current row only, whereas the color or the previous row (if any) should remain unaltered. Please suggest a workaround.

Best Answer

I've found a workaround for this problem. Instead of changing the foreground, I'm changing the background. The background color of each row is saved in a matrix containing the RGB values of each row of the table. This matrix is passed as a 'BackgroundColor' argument while displaying the uitable.
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