MATLAB: How to change the axis limits

changing the y-axis limits

Hi, I have been trying to reverse engineer a vehicle model and to check if I get back a similar response by creating my own model. Now, my model has got the response as expected but with a different y-axis limits. So I'm trying to change the limits as in the model's response that was reverse engineered to make the outputs seem exactly the same.
But I was not able to do that since when I changed the y-axis limits using the command- axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]) ,I get a different response.
For instance, the y-axis limits in the response of my model is [-2 to 14]*10^-4 and the y-axis limits in the response of the model being reverse engineered is [-14 to 4]*10^-4, which is the limit I want to use for my model. Could you please help me with this.

Best Answer

From the plots you posted, I can see that your output and your expected outputs are different. The original plot's steady output is ~0 after time 5 secs. However, your created plots steady value is ~10e-4. Possibly, your reverse engineered model is not the same what was used to plot the original one.