MATLAB: How to change precision using cellfun and num2str


I'm trying to convert a column of data into a column of strings. I've used the cellfun function:
data_compiled=compiled_data_import('data compiled.csv');
timestamps=cellfun(@num2str,data_compiled(:,1),'UniformOutput', false);
And that works but the output is rounding off too soon. I know you can specify precision when using num2str but I don't know what to put in for the first argument of num2str since I call the numbers to convert in the cellfun function.
Would it be something like:
data_compiled=compiled_data_import('data compiled.csv');
timestamps=cellfun((x)@num2str(x,3),data_compiled(:,1),'UniformOutput', false);
? Please help.

Best Answer

Very close.
timestamps=cellfun(@(x) num2str(x,3),data_compiled(:,1),'UniformOutput', false);