MATLAB: How to change position of Coordinate Gravity when run the model


Hi all,
The position of Coordinate Gravity (image below) is a constant.
My project need this variable change value when run the model. Ex: with sample time = 0.1 t = 0, CG = [0 0 0] t = 0.1, CG = [1 0 -3] t = 0.2, CG = [2 2 -6] …

Best Answer

Hi dinh,
Simscape parameters can not be changed while the model is running. The following link explains the differences between Simulink and Simscape tunable parameters. Check it:
Especially, notice the following:
You can change the value of a Simulink tunable parameter while a simulation is running. Simscape run-time parameters are run-time configurable. You cannot change the value of a run-time configurable parameter during simulation. You can only change the value of a run-time configurable parameter when a simulation is stopped.
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