MATLAB: How to change orientation and resolution in a pdf printed figure

dpdf landscape

Hi everyone,
I would like to ask how can I change orientation and resolution (at least 300dpi) in the printed pdf file of a figure with subplots? The code below has a portrait orientation. The code I have prepared is the following:
A = randn(500,7);
VARNAMES = {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7'};
time = datetime(1950,1:500,1);
figure; for k = 1:7
subplot (4,2,k)
filename = plot( time' , A( : , k ) );
xlim(datetime([min(time) max(time)]))
title ( VARNAMES(k));
hold on
print ('fig1', '-dpdf', '-fillpage', '-r300')
But i get following error message 'Error using set
There is no PaperOrientation property on the Root class.'
Also, does this print setup secures a 300dpi coloured resolution?

Best Answer

Instead of the set function, use the orient function to set the orientation that is used when saving or printing
The print function you are using should give you the required dpi.
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