MATLAB: How to change number of tickmarks for dateaxis

datedateaxisplottick marksx axis

Hey everyone,
I am trying to plot a time series that consists of 8760 data points with a value for each hour of the year. I want to show the values in the plot and display the months of the year on the x axis. I found the function dateaxis which seemed pretty easy, but matlab only displays four months of the year… I want all twelve…
Is there a way to tell dateaxis how many months to plot? If there is not, can you tell me a different way on how to plot my time series??
Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

This works to plot months:
x = 0:8759;
y = sin(2*pi*x/(24*30.5)); % Something To Plot
xd = datenum([2014 01 01]) + x/24;
plot(xd, y)
set(gca, 'XTick', 0:11)
datetick('x', 'mmm')
axis tight
Your ā€˜xdā€™ and ā€˜yā€™ will be different but my set and datetick calls should work.