MATLAB: How to change magnitude in “step” function to decibels

Communications ToolboxdecibelsMATLABrician multipath fadingstep

Hello, I'm trying to simulate a rician multipath fading channel, so I followed a tutorial in the link:
However, actual measurement results often have the magnitude in dB while the matlab plot for impulse response (y axis) is in linear scale. So, I'd like to know if I can have magnitude in decibels. I see the frequency response have in dB(W) scale so it's no problem.
Thank you for your input in advance!

Best Answer

Displaying the impulse response magnitude in dB is currently not supported. However, you can set the "PathGainsOutputPort" property of the System object to true and get the actual path gains. Then plot them the way you desire.
Hope this helps, Chandresh
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