MATLAB: How to change in sequences of files each output of two for loops one inside the other

loopsave sequences of files

Hello, I have too "for" loops one inside the other and I would like to save the output in sequences of files. I can do it successfully with one "for" loop, but I do not know how to do it for both With one "for" loop my code is as shown:
for n=0:50:100;
%there is some code here that calculates the variable RESULT%

%save files e.g n=0 to n=100

filename=['SF140profilen', int2str(n),'.txt'];
save(filename, 'RESULT', '-ascii');
This works, but now I need a loop inside, as shown:
for n=0:50:100;
for m=100:20:200
%there is some code here that calculates the variable RESULT%
%save files e.g n=0 to n=100
filename=['m100profilen', int2str(n),'.txt'];
save(filename, 'RESULT', '-ascii');
I would like to change this 100 in 'm100profilen' to give me the series of files produced buy the loop that changes m. Could you help me please? The names of the files should indicate the increasing values in n and m.

Best Answer

Just write a specific format string for the variables as needed...
filename=sprintf('m100profilen%03d%03d.txt', m,n);
NB: use of %03d to
a) create a constant width numeric field and
b) include leading zeros so will sort in numeric order as well as lexically