MATLAB: How to change horizontal alignment (left, right, center) of entries in a UITable


How do I center the data entries in my UITable?

Best Answer

In MATLAB R2019b, there is a new feature called a UI style:
Style objects are used to create color, font, and alignment styles for cells in table UI components. You can add Style objects to a specific UI component by using the "addStyle" function:
For example, if I wanted to center all the data entries in my UI table, I would do the following:
>> A = [1;2;3]; B = {'a';'b';'c'};
>> f = uifigure;
>> t = uitable(f,'Data',table(A,B));
>> s = uistyle('HorizontalAlignment','center');
>> addStyle(t,s,'table','');
See the above documentation links for more examples.