MATLAB: How to change for loop


I have
A=[1 ;2; 2; 3; 1]
B=[4; 1; 5; 2 ;3]
then I want to have
for i =1:size(B,1)
A, B and C are the same size and A contains the indices but not in order. Without a loop, we can do C(A)=B.
Now if I want to have (C is initialized properly at start )
for i =1:size(B,1)
C(A(i),B(i))=5; %or any other value
C(A,B)=5 does not give the expected result. Is the principle not the same?

Best Answer

In C(A,B) the indices defined a block, not the linear index. See:
A = zeros(4, 4);
A(2:3, 2:3) = 1;
This does not insert the ones on the center diagonal elements only, but the indices define all 4 elements in teh center.
To get the same result as for the loop, use:
index = sub2ind(size(C), A, B)
C(index) = 1