MATLAB: How to change data type of table in matlab


I am reading a spreadsheet with 2 columns using readtable command in Matlab. Both columns of the table are read as a string. How two change the datatype of a second column to double.

Best Answer

Really, you should change the way you store your data in the spreadsheet. As it is you're losing most of the benefit of the spreadsheet format. Even in excel, you wouldn't be able to use those numbers as they're stored as text.
One of the many ways of extracting the numbers from the text:
t = readtable('book1.xlsx');
t.patient = cellfun(@str2double, regexp(t.patient, '\d+', 'match'), 'UniformOutput', false)
If you didn't have those brackets [] around the text and the numbers had beens separated by spaces, it would have been easier.