MATLAB: How to change a users Security Level 3 password if the user forgot it

MATLAB Parallel ServerParallel Computing Toolbox

How do I change a users Security Level 3 password if the user forgot it?

Best Answer

The following documentation outlines how to use the changePassword function to change a users Security Level 3 password:
NOTE: R2013b and older versions of MATLAB use jm instead of mjs.
To implement this for R2013b and older, first connect to the Job Manager and authenticate as the "admin" user. Then, set a valid "jm" object eg: jm= findResource()
To implement this for R2014a and newer, first connect to the Job Manager and authenticate as the "admin" user. Then, set a valid "mjs" object eg: mjs = parcluster
Once the variable has been set, you should be able to use the changePassword function to change a users Security Level 3 password if the user forgot it.